Friday, 27 September 2013

Merit awards

Well done to this weeks winners: Ruby, Tristan, Seren, Calum, Jake and Kimberley.

Headteacher's Award

Mrs Coates will be choosing a pupil each week for a special 'Headteacher's Award'. This weeks winner was Sophie O'Connell for excellent work and effort. Well Done!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Thank you Asda Living

Mrs Coates and Mrs Fender were presented with a £50 cheque from Asda Living in Llantrisant. For the past few months shoppers have been deciding which local charity box to post their green tokens in. As our PTA were the charity with the most coins we were rewarded with the £50!!
Thank you Asda!

100% attendance

What a great start to the year with class 7 achieving 100% attendance for the first week. They were rewarded with a choc ice each! Well done  - keep it up.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Stars of the Week!

Well done to all our merit award winners this week. As a reward all our merit winners sat at the 'Top Table' for their lunch with a friend.
Well done Dafydd, Alfie, Harvey, Dylan, Finely and Riley.